Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 Academy Awards

Yesterday afternoon I asked John if he wanted to fill out ballots and have a little bet between the two of us on who would win awards -- a little healthy competition is always nice, right?!  He was nice enough to point out that we hadn't seen a single movie nominated for an award much less gone to the movie theater in 16 months so it would be a pointless with a toddler! :)  But I wouldn't trade it!

Last year, I was excited just to get some of Addison's coos on video during the Oscars.

This year, we were ecstatic that she sat still for 5 minutes and let us watch a few minutes of the awards.  How times change...


1 comment:

  1. Looking comfie Addie girl! John....isn't that your spot she's in?!? :).
