Friday, July 13, 2012

To Grandmother's House We Go...

We started our long trek to Michigan today!  John was gracious enough to accompany Addison and I on the 13+ hour car ride to MI, fly home and work for a week and a half and fly back to MI to accompany us on the 13+ hour car ride home to AR...but I'm getting ahead of myself...

To break up our trip north, we stopped at John's aunt and uncle's farm in southern IL.  It was about a perfect half way point and as an added bonus his cousin from New Orleans and his family also happen to be there at the same time on their way to Lake of the Ozarks.  So not only did Addison get an afternoon out of the car seat, she also had a little playmate -- Garret turned one at the end of June.

After an afternoon on the farm we packed back up into the car and continued our journey.  There were a few tears shed as we drove around Chicago, mostly from Addison who was trying to fall asleep for the night but maybe a few from mommy and daddy too :)  We finally made it to my parents at about 1:30am Saturday morning.  John went straight to be as he had played superman again and drove the entire trip and Addison woke up just long enough to say hi to Mimi and she was out for the rest of the night.

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