Friday, June 13, 2014

Last Day of MMO

Addison's last day of MMO for the year was this past Wednesday.  She was so excited, mostly because she knew they were having a party at school.  She has had such a wonderful year and has grown up so much.
A little treat to say THANK YOU to her wonderful teachers.
First Day of MMO - September 4th 2013
Last Day of MMO - June 11th 2014
And here is my mommy failure moment...I thought her last day of school was May 28th, it originally was before all the snow days.  I didn't get the memo that they extended the calendar for 2 additional weeks.  So I got her up early, dressed her in a new dress and made her take pictures only to drop her off and find out she had 2 more weeks. I include the picture only because I think she looks adorable!
May 28th 2014

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