Sure, it's Friday and the day I picked to document was Tuesday...don't judge!
Now our days aren't too exciting, I'm sure no 'Mother Of The Year' awards will be handed out for how I kept Addison busy all day but I just wanted to take a quick snapshot of our life at this stage in the game. And half way through I realized I had gone in to way too much detail, but I couldn't stop so bare with me...or don't and just come back in a day or two for the next post :)
7:00am -- My alarm on my iPhone goes off. John is already up and getting ready and I dismiss my alarm.
7:13am -- John is pulling out of the driveway and I hear the garage door sign that I MUST get up. I get myself out of bed, shower, eat breakfast, watch a little Good Morning America, check email/Pinterest/Zulily, finish getting ready and make the bed.
8:30am -- Time to wake-up my sleepy toddler...yes, I still have to wake her up. Although today wasn't too bad, she was pretty much awake in her crib but she didn't want to get out.
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Sleepy Head! Got to love the miss matched's just how we roll some nights. |
8:30am to 8:45am -- First thing, Addison sits on the tinkle this morning. But that's not a surprise because I took a 5lb, completely saturated diaper off of her. While on the potty she requests a 'pretty dress' to wear for the day and I think I delivered. As I'm dressing her she tells me she looks like a had a tutu on it :) I brush her hair, she brushes her teeth and then I have to do some real convincing to get her to come down stairs with me...she wants to stay in her room and read books.
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I think she might still be sleeping... |
8:45am to 9:00am -- Breakfast time...French toast sticks are on the menu today but Miss Addison can't wait the 3 minutes for them to bake, so I pour some Multigrain Cheerios in a bowl for her to snack on while breakfast cooks. While Addison eats, I load the dishwasher and clean-up the kitchen a bit.
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Blowing off her "sticks" |
9:00am to 9:10am -- Addison is done with breakfast and walks over to the TV and sees Kelly & Michael on and immediately knows that Sesame Street is on and the channel needs to be changed...seriously?! I tell her that we aren't going to watch Sesame Street this morning and that we are going to the library instead, she is not impressed. So I turn Sesame Street on while I round up my shoes, her shoes, my phone, my purse, her water cup, etc... I put her shoes on her while she is still watching Sesame Street and suddenly she is ready and excited to go to the library, so off we go.
9:30am to 10:10am -- Toddler and Tunes Storytime at the Bentonville Public Library. One of our favorite FREE activities most weeks. Today the theme was 'Fall' and they read 3 books about Fall, sing a couple of songs and get a coloring sheet with a leaf on it. Addison's favorite part of storytime is still probably the fish tank at the library?!
10:10am to 10:45am -- In the library parking lot, I decide to check the weekly Hobby Lobby ad to make sure ribbon is on sale because I want to pick-up what I need to make Addison's Halloween costume. Of course, this week ribbon is not on sale. So that kills our plans to go to Hobby Lobby. Since we are out, we swing by the Walmart Associate Store for some much needed impulse shopping before heading home. I score some Hello Kitty cookie cutters and cake push-up pop holders at half-price!
10:45am to 11:30am -- We arrive home from our exciting (?) morning out to find a package from Mimi on the front porch. The new presents from Mimi keep Addison occupied for a good 5 minutes and she also manages to color, play stickers, play puzzles, build a tent, play cars and push her baby around the house while I ponder what to make for lunch...and dinner. I also us this time to quickly vacuum the hardwood floors and kitchen tile.
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New book from Mimi |
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New shirt from Mimi |
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Serious concentration needed for sticker time |
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Another 'masterpiece' Thank you to the kind people at The Retired Veterans of America for sending us 3 pages of return address labels, Addison had a ball playing with them! |
11:30am to 11:50am -- Addison feasts on ham, grapes, cucumbers and parmesan noodles for lunch...mostly noodles though. As she eats she tells me I put sugar on her noodles. At first I didn't know what she was talking about and then I watch as she picks parmesan off her noodles and licks her fingers. I'm not even sure how she knows what sugar is?!
12:00pm to 1:00pm -- Potty time and then we head up stairs to watch a little Sesame Street before nap time. Since it looks like a tornado touched down in our bonus room, I straighten up Addison's toys while she enjoys a little Elmo.
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Before |
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After |
1:00pm to 3:30pm -- Nap time...While Addison naps I make some cookie dough for an order I have later in the week, work on a little Children's Christmas Train stuff and check the garden. The garden is close to being done but we still have a good amount of tomatoes to 'harvest' yet.
3:30pm -- John calls as he is driving between meetings and its time to get Addison up from her nap. Addison sits on the potty and gets her post-nap milk and string cheese.
4:15pm to 5:15pm -- After Addison is sufficiently awake from her nap, we head outside. She plays with her car, chalk, bubbles and looks through the mail -- and that's just in the first 5 minutes!? Just kidding, it takes her a good 20 minutes to spill the entire container of bubbles, one splash at a time ;)
5:30pm -- John is home from work early! Addison is eating her first pass at dinner, which is a hot dog and mixed veggies.
6:00pm -- John and I eat dinner. Addison sits back in her highchair and takes another pass at her dinner and tries some of ours. Tonight, green beans top her list of favorites and she eats 3 generous servings of beans on top of everything else she has already eaten!
6:15pm -- A quick FaceTime call with Abbey and Kyle. Addison always love talking to her "Gaga"
6:20pm -- Addison and I take a walk with our friends from across the street -- Misty, Tucker and Baby Sloan.
7:30pm -- John feeds Addison her yogurt.
8:00pm -- Bath time! I take Addison upstairs and start the bath and John gets her milk ready and brings it upstairs. I man the bath while John starts to assemble the toddler rail for Addison's crib. The plan is to put it up Wednesday before nap.
8:30pm -- Our nightly routine includes watching Thomas The Train, Angelina Ballerine and Poppy Cat in the bonus room while enjoying a sippy cup of milk.
9:15pm -- It's potty time then books then bed for Ms Addison.
9:30pm -- Addison is in her crib for the night.
9:30pm to 10:00pm -- I look at flights to Grand Rapids as I hear Addison saying "Yuckie, Panties" over the monitor which is code for I finally pooped and I waiting until you put this diaper on me to do it...sigh! John graciously lets me pick if I want to finalize the flights or change Addison's diaper...I pick Addison's diaper and guess what, she didn't poop in it. But since I'm up there and she is talking about pooping, I put her on the potty but she doesn't go, so back to bed she goes.
10:00pm to 11:00pm -- John and I watch a little TV -- The Little Couple, Chelsea Lately and 19 Kids and Counting and call it a night...but not before I check Addison's diaper one more time to make sure she didn't poop. Yes, a little crazy but she has slept in a poopy diaper all night before (maybe more than once) and it kills her a mother does what a mother has to poop!
WOW! Thanks for hanging in there! Probably a little TMI but I want to be able to look back in 1 year, 5 years or maybe 10 years and remember what life with one almost 2 year old is like.
General's clear we are still very much in potty training mode as "potty time" is a routine and much talked about event!? :) I do very little house work...or at least I didn't do much on this particular day, I promise it does happen from time to time.
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