Developments this month...
- She weighs in at 23lbs and 3 ounces (33 percentile), height is right at 31 inches (30 percentile) and head circumference is 41 centimeters (86 percentile).
- She no longer refers to us as 'mama' and 'dada' -- we are 'mommy' and 'daddy'...which makes her seem like such a big kid now!
- I'm not even going to attempt to continue to capture all the words she says, she surprises us everyday with new words she knows or by repeating what we say.
- Favorite song is still 'If You're Happy and You Know It' and she has started to 'sing' to herself while in the car seat or crib...which is just really sing-song babbling.
- She loves to color these days...she is cranking out pictures at record pace.
- Her baby dolls and Elmo are still her favorite toys and she sleeps with a stuffed animal or two (one usually is Elmo) each night and for naps.
- Her love for basketball continues and she was a huge fan of the NCAA Tournament...still not sure what we are going to do now that college basketball is over :)
- As Spring has come, we are spending more and more time outside and she loves bubbles and taking Emily for walks. She also likes to 'fix' her red car with her tool set while we play outside.
- She started back in swim lessons and is finally blowing bubbles for the teacher and jumping off the side to me while in to get those skills mastered again before we open to pool.
Look at that big girl! Love you Addie!