Developments this month...
- Her vocabulary is expanding everyday! She says: mama, dada, Emily, Mimi, Kyle, Mallory, Landon, Tucker, ball, bubble, baby, cookie, cracker, cupcake, uh oh, what's that, wow, bye-bye, done, tickle-tickle, down, bad-bad, good girl, papa, Sam, purse, noodle, one, row-row, no-no, yes, up, more, out, two, Abbey, uncle, Elmo, Grover, Big Bird, Telly, hi, nose, apple, banana, Riley, basketball, go, ouch, burrrr
- We continue to work on her animal sounds and she makes sounds for dog, monkey, elephant, bear, snake, cow, alligator (chomping motion), kitty cat, bee, roster, fish, horse
- She can point to many of her body, head, ears, eyes, nose, tongue, armpit (which comes with a 'spi-spi' sound affect like she is putting deodorant on), belly button, knees, toes, chin, cheeks, bottom (and points to her butt)
- She makes sounds for cars -- vroom, fire trucks -- wheeewheee and buses -- beep beep.
- She gives the best hugs (with a little back pat) and kisses these days. And will still give nosey kisses if you ask for them.
- Favorite songs are still 'Row, Row Your Boat', 'Wheels on the Bus' and 'If You're Happy and You Know It' and 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'. She requests songs by saying "row row" or "beep-beep" which is the horn on the bus or "boom-boom" which is the sound your feet make when you stomp them in 'If You're Happy and You Know It' or shows you her spider.
- She gives commands to Emily and her new golden retreiver stuffed animal...raises one hand and says 'down' and now is following it most often with 'good girl'
- She still loves her purse, Bitty Baby and Elmo dolls. She likes changing diapers and plugs her nose before she sets the dolls down on the changing mat to be changed.
- She is getting better with crayons, as in they aren't immediately going into her mouth. She has figured out how to get the basket with the crayons and coloring books down herself so we are playing with them more these days.
- She has mastered several of the puzzles that we have.
- She LOVES basketball, maybe as much as Elmo! She will bring us the remote control and ask us to turn basketball on. And she will sit and watch it! She thinks her cousin Landon is always playing. She calls the hogs (or her version of it) everytime she sees basketball come on TV -- I have to get it on video!
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Kisses from Addison |
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